29 September 2008

You Knew It Was Coming... The Obligatory Anime Post!



If you've read the above, it should be painfully obvious by now that I'm an anime fan... Although I enjoy watching and consider it one of my hobbies, it stops there. Unlike some other people with far too much time on their hands, it doesn't consume my life.

Which brings me to the rant I'm about to embark upon: the very negative impression being an anime fan can leave on a lot of people. Many see anime as a "deviant" hobby (even people in Japan - at least that's what I've heard), and that those who partake in such activities are disconnected from society and are living in a fantasy world. I'll tell you right now: I hate telling people that I like watching anime. Why? Because no matter what their idea of me is beforehand, it all goes out the window even before "anime" finishes rollinig off my tongue. I instantly get lumped together with all of those obsessive fans that give the normal people like me a bad name, and am thought of as a complete loser (for lack of a better word). While those kinds of people DO exist, in no way are they representative of the normal people like me who don't make it the focus of their lives. If you stop and think about it for a second, just about everything out there has its die-hard fans that look like complete retards to the rest of society (Trekkies come to mind, hehe).

Just my two cents for the day... And in case you're wondering, I will blog about anime/anime-related topics from time to time.


??? said...
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Ryan Martin said...

I didn't know it was coming. I must say though that I thought I'd be able to spot the kids who love anime in our class, but I haven't been able to. So you must fit into normal society just fine. But if you dressed up one day I would probably recognize that and would love it. So get all the kids in our class who do love anime together, make some costumes, and it would be a very funny day.

ペイ! said...

haha what ryan said was とてもおかし!anime is いいですね。:)