As I've said in a previous post, アニメがすきです。とてもたのしいです。あきのアニメじき、ふたつのアニメはみます:ガンダム00第2シーズンとのだめカンタービレ 巴里編!

Premise: Gundam 00 is set in 二千三百七年(にせんさんびゃくななねん)。あのじだい、すべてのせかいのかせきねんりょうはつかいはたした。In order to find a new source of energy, mankind built a massive solar energy system around three orbital elevators. Each elevator is controlled by one of the three massive alliances that make up the political landscape of the world. However, there is great tension between the three major alliances, and many smaller wars rage in areas of the world not aligned with any of the three (ie the Middle East, Africa, etc). Because of these conflicts (both hot and cold) an organization called Celestial Being, possessing the mobile weapon Gundam, announces both its existence and its goal to eradicate all wars/conflicts through armed interventions using the Gundams. I won't discuss Second Season's premise since there are obviously massive spoilers involved, but all I'll say is that it picks up right where the first season left off.

Premise: Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter picks up right where the first season of Nodame Cantabile left off. Having arrived in Paris, Shinichi Chiaki and Noda Megumi (aka Nodame) begin to prepare for their respective musical studies (for Chiaki, it's a conducting competition; for Nodame, it's conservatory studies). The anime follows the adventures of Chiaki and Nodame in their adventures both in music and with each other. このアニメはなつかしいです。わたしはバイオリンそうしゃ。それから、in addition to being a conductor and a pianist 千秋 (Chiaki) はバイオリンそうしゃです。それから、このアニメのすべてのおんがくはクラシックおんがくです。一番(いちばん)すきなおんがくはクラシックおんがくですよ!Also, のこアニメはとてもたのしいです!It is both lighthearted and fun.
In case you didn't know, there's also a Nodame Cantabile Drama Version. ドラマもとてもたのしいですよ!The only difference is that the drama has already covered the Paris arc, while the anime has only begun it.
Can I randomly waltz by your place sometime and get it?
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